Last month the Sunday Times Rich List revealed that in 2023 the wealth of UK billionaires hit a record high. In stark contrast, our own analysis found that universal credit is hundreds of pounds lower than what people need to afford the cost of living. It’s clear we’re living in a country of extreme inequality – but what if we shared the wealth more equally? A 2% wealth tax on the richest individuals could boost our economy, help fund vital public services like schools and hospitals, and ensure we all have a chance at a happy, healthy life.

Miatta Fahnbulleh, Chief Executive, NEF


A 2% tax on the UK’s richest families could raise £22bn a year
Analysis for Stop the Squeeze by NEF, Tax Justice UK and the Economic Change Unit found that a modest wealth tax could raise billions for our public services.

Universal credit is £890 short of what’s needed to meet the cost of living
New NEF analysis found that, even with an increase linked to inflation, universal credit is falling hundreds of pounds short of what people need to live.

Graph showing that universal credit is £890 short of what's needed to meet the cost of living

For voters, the cost of living is front of mind
Political parties should focus on affordable homes, quality public services and social security to solve the cost of living crisis ahead of the next election, writes Tom Pollard.


Latest from the New Economics Podcast:

A crisis of caregiving
According to Carers UK, there could be more than 10 million people providing unpaid care in the UK. We’ll all have to care for someone or be cared for over the course of our lives. So why are the challenges caregivers face so overlooked? And how do we build a society that centres care? Ayeisha Thomas Smith is joined by Emily Kenway to discuss her new book, Who Cares.

Should we all be troublemakers at work?
From nurses to teachers to train drivers, this year millions of people have gone on strike to fight for better conditions at work. So how do we keep up the momentum? Ayeisha is joined by Lydia Hughes and Jamie Woodcock, co-authors of new book Troublemaking, to discuss what’s next for organsing in the workplace.


Aggressive aviation - watch the video.

Aggressive aviation
Major airlines and airports have been under fire for some time now over their climate wrecking business model, but they also do some of the most aggressive political lobbying in the UK. We need to make our elected officials accountable to us, not aviation bosses. Watch our new video to find out more.


Long-term sick: How record number is changing UK economy
Tom Pollard was quoted in BBC News on the impact of long-term sickness.

Should you leave your children an inheritance?
Alfie Stirling wrote for the Times about the importance of our collective inheritance.

Austerity has broken Britain
NEF research on the unequal impact of the cost of living crisis was featured in the Daily Mirror.

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