Personal inflation calculator
Bank of England governor Andrew Bailey says asking for a pay rise could make inflation worse. As inflation hits a 40-year high, use our calculator discover how it affects your income – and who’s to blame.

The government must act now to protect social housing tenants and social landlords from financial disaster
As we stand on the brink of a new housing crisis, ministers must avert further hardship in our broken housing system, writes Alex Diner.

Stamp duty cuts: the wrong priority and the wrong policy
Alex explains how tinkering with this flawed tax will do nothing to fix our broken housing system.

Interest rate hikes against the environment
Lukasz Krebel wrote for Tribune about how interest rate hikes could funnel money into fossil fuel projects – harming all our futures.

Breaking the climate-finance doom loop
Our open letter to the Bank of England calls on them to take action to prevent climate breakdown.

In case you missed it:
Warm homes, cool planet
Now that the government has announced that its energy price guarantee will end next April, our alternative plan makes urgent reading. It features: a new system of free basic energy, additional energy payments as part of universal credit and a national housing insulation programme to keep our homes warm. The outcome is a package that is less expensive than the government’s, targets support at the majority of households rather than the rich, and incentivises more efficient energy use.


New economics podcast: how we win a new economy – fixing the housing crisis with social homes
If you were alive in 1979, you had a 40% chance of living in an affordable council home. Today, that figure is just under 8%. So what happened to all our council houses? Ayeisha Thomas-Smith is joined by Becki Winson, NEF senior organiser, and Suzanne Muna, secretary of the Social Housing Action Campaign, to discuss how we got here and what the future holds for social housing.

New economics podcast: How we win a new economy – solving the cost of living and climate crises together
After a dangerously hot summer, we’re now worrying about whether we can afford our energy bills during a long, cold winter. This was the year that the climate crisis collided with the scandalously high cost of living. But how are the two related? Ayeisha is joined by Mika Minio-Paluello, climate and industry lead at the TUC, and Tessa Khan, environmental lawyer and founder and director of Uplift.


The economic pie explained

The economic pie explained
Liz Truss said we need to grow our economic pie so everyone can have a bigger slice. But the richest few are taking too much. It’s time to share the wealth we all create.


Tell this government to take action on the climate crisis
The government is currently reviewing its plans for net zero. But we cannot afford any more delays. This is your chance to show them that the public wants urgent action to tackle the climate crisis. Submit a response to the review here and say no to fossil fuels. The deadline for responses is Thursday 27 October.


No plan for when the energy price freeze ends
Jeevun Sandher was on Sky News talking about energy prices and NEF’s Great Homes Upgrade campaign.

The establishment is back at the controls. Remember what it did last time
NEF’s package of energy reforms was quoted in Open Democracy.

Can Hunt rebuild UK economy after Kwarteng?
Jeevun Sandher was on the Evening Standard’s Leader podcast to discuss the future of this government under Liz Truss.

Liz Truss’s economic plans are more anti-growth than those of her critics
NEF’s analysis of economic growth rates was in the Guardian.

Jeevun Sandher on BBC news

The British people have been made poorer by this chancellors anti-growth budget
Jeevun Sandher was on BBC news responding to the chancellor’s mini-budget.

Few have yet woken up to the full horror of Britain’s diminished situation
NEF research on interest rates was in the Telegraph.

Five ways Kwasi Kwarteng can reduce UK debt
Frank van Lerven was quoted in the Financial Times (twice) on cutting the interest government pays to commercial banks.

The cost-of-living crisis is pushing disabled people into poverty
NEF analysis of social security payments was featured in the New Statesman (twice).

We’re hiring!
NEF is looking for two Community Organisers (one based in Yorkshire, one based in London and the South East) to join our team and help us win justice for the communities most affected by the cost of living scandal. Apply here.

Follow us on social media
Your favourite, transparently funded think tank is now on all the major platforms: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn and YouTube. Be sure to follow us and help us spread the new economy message.

New Economics Foundation

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