How to win at work

Make things better for yourself and for workers across London

How to Win At Work is a new workers’ education programme that will help you make things better for yourself and for workers across the capital. It is for those who want to end low pay, poor conditions and insecure hours by building power in their workplaces.

It will help you build organising skills and confidence, teach you the information you’ll need for a good campaign strategy, and give you the support of others going through the same thing.

Some more detail:

The New Economics Foundation have developed a programme for workers in London who want to organise to improve their pay and conditions. Throughout 2020, those taking part will receive training, hands-on experience, mentoring and become part of a group who will take action together. NEF will also carry out research into the companies exploiting you and other people across the capital, to help you work out the best ways to take action against them. Our aim isn’t just to teach you things – it is to help you win!

The programme has been developed by NEF Organisers alongside trade unionists, and will be delivered by a combination of our staff and union and social organisers.

The programme is FREE. We will be providing free childcare at training sessions. To make sure our programme is accessible to those who may not be able to afford travel to training or able to take paid time off work to attend, we have some funding to cover costs of those most in need.

All sessions will take place at our space in Vauxhall, ten minutes walk from either Kennington or Vauxhall tube stations or a fifteen minute walk from Waterloo. We will be able to cover some travel expenses for those who need this.

What does it look like:

In spring:

  • Training sessions which will take place fortnightly over 10 weeks
  • As a group, putting together an action in early May

Over summer:

  • Working out a strategy for working together to tackle low paid and insecure work in London
  • Supporting each other to carry this out and tackle issues in your workplaces

In autumn and winter:

  • As a group, putting on one or two actions or events to help the campaign or campaigns you’re involved in
  • Planning how you would like to continue to work to keep supporting each other

Who is it open to:

It is open to all workers regardless of experience. You might be totally new to workplace organising, or an existing union member or activist who wants to sharpen your skills and work with others. All we ask is that you are a worker currently experiencing low pay, poor conditions, outsourced contracts or insecure hours, or that you are a worker organising alongside those in your workplace or sector who are suffering those things.

You will need to be available on the below dates:

  • Thursday 19 March
  • Wednesday 1 April
  • Thursday 16 April
  • Thursday 30 April
  • Friday 1 May
  • Thursday 14 May

To apply to take part, just fill in the form so we can get an idea of who you are and what you’ll need from us. If you’ve any questions, just get in touch with NEF Organiser Becki Winson by emailing or ringing or texting 07875 967 496. Closing date: 5th March. 

Funded by Trust for London.

    Take part in How to win at work