With less than a month until the general election, we’ve been hearing a lot about the state of the UK economy. But from the way politicians talk, you could forget that our economy is made up of people. We make up the economy – whether we’re getting the train to work, taking our kids to a play group, or going out for a meal with friends. This election is taking place against a backdrop of decades of underinvestment. More than four in 10 households cannot afford life’s essentials. Whoever forms the next government, they cannot be afraid to invest – otherwise our economy will never improve.

Danny Sriskandarajah, chief executive, NEF

A strong post-election economy

Five ways the next government can build a strong economy for all
The next government needs to create the strong economic foundations so we can all live a good life.

Scrap fiscal rules and stop subsidising banks to fix our broken economy
Instead of coming up with fiscal tricks that move costs around we need policies that will make a real difference, says Dominic Caddick.

Switching to social rent
A new report shows how we can deliver the homes we need through the Affordable Homes Programme.

  • A second report sets out options for reforming right to buy and preserving and delivering new council homes for the twenty-first century
  • And new analysis finds that, amidst council bankruptcies, local authorities are spending more than ever on temporary accommodation.
  • New analysis shows that helping people into good jobs rather than just any job could save the government billions.

Benefit deductions trapping people in poverty and debt
NEF finds that the DWP are taking £1.6bn a year from low-income households for debt repayments.

The aviation industry claims more flying is essential for the economy, the numbers say otherwiseLatest data shows that in 2023, there were 3.9 million fewer business air trips compared to 2019.

  • NEF analysis of latest data casts further doubt over air industry’s claim that more flying boosts the economy
  • Alex Chapman also asks how we can fly less without air travel becoming the preserve of the wealthy.

Energy bills are falling – but the UK is still not protected from future price shocks
A lower Ofgem price cap shouldn’t lead to complacency – fuel poverty is still a huge problem in the UK.

Childcare deserts: the reality of access to early years education
How the current approach fails to support more low-income households to access care.

Reclaiming our regions
How combined authorities can help to build more inclusive local economies

  • In a blog, Benedikt Stranak, Emmet Kiberd and Abi O’Connor argue that devolution won’t work unless we fix local authority funding.
  • Ahead of local elections, new polling found more than a third of people think local government should be given more power to solve issues in their areas

Our latest series of the New Economics Podcast has been chocked with riveting conversations with fascinating guests.


Half of universal credit claimants lose money through automatic DWP deductions’
Our analysis showing the impact of automatic debt deductions was covered by the Guardian, the Express, the Mirror, the Sun, the Big Issue,

Calls from across political divide to curb stealth subsidy for lenders
Our work calling for a tiered reserves policy at the Bank of England was covered by the Financial Times, the Times, the Daily Mail, the Guardian, City AM and Bloomberg.

Economists agree we need investment”
NEF chief executive Danny Sriskandarajah appeared on BBC Newsnight talk about the state of the UK economy. He also spoke to LBC and TalkTV about the challenges facing a future government. Hannah Peaker spoke to Times Radio about inflation and interest rates. NEF’s polling on inflation with the Stop the Squeeze coalition was covered by HuffPost (twice).

Coalition urges ECB to strengthen its climate commitments
Green Central Banking covered our open letter, alongside other organisations, to the European Central Bank. Theo Harris also spoke to Green Central Banking about NEF’s proposals to green the Bank of England.

Losing altitude: Study reveals business flights down nearly four million on pre-pandemic levels
Our analysis showing the decline in businesses flights was covered by the Guardian, BusinessGreen, and CityAM.

Union urges Labour not to ban new North Sea licences without plan for jobs
Chaitanya Kumar spoke to the Guardian (twice) about Labour’s plans to ban new oil and gas licenses in the North Sea.

More than four in 10 council homes sold under Right to Buy now owned by private landlords
Our report on the impact of right to buy was covered by The Mirror, the Guardian, the Big Issue and Inside Housing.

UK plans to squeeze disability benefits in bid to cut soaring welfare bill
Tom Pollard spoke to the Financial Times, Times Radio, LBC, TalkTV, the Guardian’s Politics Weekly UK podcast, and the Big Issue about our broken social security system. Molly-May Smith also spoke to the Big Issue and Sam Tims spoke to LBC. Our focus group work on problems with the social security system was covered in the New Statesman.

Europe can’t afford another austerity crisis
Our work showing the flaws in the EU’s new fiscal rules was covered by Euronews and Parliament Magazine. NEF chief executive Danny Sriskandarajah spoke to Euronews about how to deliver the EU’s green transition.

It’s time parties adopted a shared vision for housing
Our Homes For All report, produced alongside other organisations, was covered by the Financial Times, the Independent, Inside Housing and the Big Issue.

Thinktank reveals rise in spending on most expensive type of temporary accommodation in England
Our analysis on the cost of temporary accommodation to councils was covered by Inside Housing, who also covered our analysis showing the amount of housing benefit being paid to private landlords.

Labour’s Tax Crackdown Could Be Dampened By Bigger Public Finance Challenge”, Economists Warn
Dominic Caddick spoke to PoliticsHome about Labour’s plans to crack down on tax avoidance.

Support NEF
NEF will keep fighting for a better deal for all of us, no matter who the next government is. Please consider funding our work with a donation today.

We are hiring!
NEF is looking for a senior community organiser to work on an exciting partnership project on poverty, inequality and problem debt in the UK. Deadline to apply is 15 June – more information can be found here.

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