Last week NEF analysis revealed that 2.5 million working households will be affected by both the cut to universal credit and increase in national insurance contributions. On average, they will lose out by £1290 in 2022/​23. As my colleague Sarah Arnold said: This is not a progressive solution to the issue of underfunded social care.” NEF’s analysis was covered by media including the Sun and Mirror.

As the end of furlough is also around the corner, and people’s livelihoods become more precarious, we continue to see why a Living Income that delivers true security is paramount. If you are interested in finding out more, join our upcoming event on making a Living Income a reality.

Miatta Fahnbulleh, Chief Executive, NEF


Living standards face a perfect storm
NEF analysis has revealed that 2.5 million households will be hit by both universal credit cuts and national insurance increases.

Making workers foot the bill for social care and pensions is deeply unfair
Taxing wealth and scrapping the upper earnings limit on national insurance would address generational inequality, writes Alfie Stirling in the Guardian.

Greening public finance
Laurie Macfarlane and Chaitanya Kumar’s report sets out how scaling up government-owned financial institutions and giving them a strong climate mandate will accelerate the UK economy’s transition to net-zero.

Cold homes, hot planet
We all want to come home to somewhere warm, but Britain’s housing is cold, draughty, and powered by fossil fuels. Margaret Welsh looks at NEF’s research on how we can upgrade our housing.

Quibbling about cost while the world burns
Paying a small fraction of our GDP to mitigate the ongoing mass extinction of our world’s species should be an absolute no-brainer, writes Chaitanya Kumar.


Weekly Economics Podcast: Where did our immigration system come from?
Critics say that our immigration system is unnecessarily cruel. But what is its origin? How has it changed over time? And what does it have to do with Britain’s colonial history? Ayeisha Thomas-Smith is joined by Ian Sanjay Patel, LSE fellow in human rights.

The Weekly Economics Podcast is taking a break this month but will be back in October. In the meantime check out all our recent episodes, tackling issues from fast fashion to culture wars.


Join NEF at our online events at Labour Party Conference. You don’t have to be Labour Party member to attend.

From Universal Credit to a Living Income
How do we build on the vibrant movement opposing the cut to universal credit? Join NEF to discuss replacing universal credit with a Living Income. With Jonathan Reynolds MP, shadow work and pensions secretary; Pam Duncan-Glancy MSP, Scottish Labour social security spokesperson; Sarah Arnold, NEF senior economist; Everton councillor Jane Corbett; and Excluded UK co-director Jennifer Griffiths. Mon 27 Sept, 2 – 3.15pm BST, via Zoom. Register here.

Upgrading our homes for a Green New Deal
Retrofitting Britain’s homes so that they stay warmer will tackle the climate crisis and create hundreds of thousands of good green jobs. Join NEF and local authority leaders to discuss our new campaign. With North of Tyne metro mayor Jamie Driscoll, Leeds City Council executive member for infrastructure and climate Helen Hayden, NEF CEO Miatta Fahnbulleh, and Carbon Co-op co-founder Jonathan Atkinson. Tues 28 Sept, 2 – 3.15pm BST, via Zoom. Register here.

Fiscal Matters: Debate Europe’s fiscal future
Fiscal Matters is a four-day discussion and debate on the future of EU fiscal policy, featuring NEF and other leading civil society organisations, think tanks and trade unions. Running online from September 27 to 30, the festival will address the importance of fiscal policy in our shared future. Event times and registration here.


Funding health and social care fairly
In response to the government’s proposal to raise national insurance contributions, Miatta spoke to BBC Radio 5 Live Live about how to fund health and social care more fairly.

Campaigners and fishers call for urgent measures to protect seas and communities in the South East
NEF lined up with other organisations and fishers to declare a state of emergency” in the English Channel and southern North Sea due to industrial fishing pressure, reported ITV News.

Solving the housing crisis
Rose Grayston spoke to GB News about the UK’s housing crisis and the need for more social housing.

‘£20 cut would repeat past mistakes’ universal credit campaigners tell PM
NEF was among 100 organisations urging the government not to cut universal credit by £20 a week. See more in the Big Issue.

New Economy Brief launches
Our friends at the Economic Change Unit have launched New Economy Brief, which brings together innovative proposals for a fair, sustainable and resilient economy from a wide range of organisations, thinkers and practitioners. Check it out.

New Economics Foundation

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