
Africa — Up in Smoke 2

The second report on Africa and global warming from the Working Group on Climate Change and Development

Africa — Up in Smoke 2 is based on the latest available scientific research and evidence from those living on the front line of global warming. 

It shows that climate change is already having serious impacts on peoples’ lives across Africa — and is set to get much worse unless urgent action is taken. Africa is already warmer by 0.5°C than it was 100 years ago, putting extra strain on water resources.

According to the UK’s Hadley Centre, temperature increases over many areas of Africa will be double the global average increase, and drought patterns stand to worsen catastrophically.

The Working Group on Climate Change and Development calls for rich countries to make good their promises to reduce greenhouse gases made at Kyoto and go beyond them.

It also calls for an overhaul of humanitarian relief and development, for donors to fund urgent measures to help communities adapt to a new and more erratic climate, and for donors and African governments to tackle poverty and invest in agricultural development.

The Working Group on Climate Change and Development are: ActionAid International, Bird Life, CAFOD, Christian Aid, Columban Faith and Justice, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, Institute for Development Studies, IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development), MedAct, nef (the new economics foundation), Operation Noah, Oxfam GB, Panos, People and Planet, Practical Action (formerly ITDG), Progresio (formerly CIIR), RSPB, Tearfund, teri Europe, World Vision and WWF.

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