
Co-production in mental health

A literature review

In spring 2013, NEF was commissioned by Mind to review the literature on how coproduction is being used in mental health settings. This report sets out the findings of that review, showing what evidence there is of the impact of co-production on mental health support, and which aspects of co-production are being developed in the sector. 

The project has been developed within Mind’s national programme – the Network Personalisation Programme – to position the network of local Minds as market leaders of high quality, recovery focused, personalised services that individuals want to buy. This programme contributes towards the achievement of Mind’s Unstoppable Together strategy (2012 – 2016) with the ultimate aim of increasing the number of people with mental health problems who are able to access timely and individual support to make their own choices via the Mind network.

The need for this work on co-production within the Network Personalisation Programme emerged in a time of great financial challenge, as a way of exploring additional resources to tap in to for strengthening social care and promoting a better understanding of how to engage with communities in services that promote co-operation, equity, inclusion, and well-being.

We hope the findings are useful for those working in mental health.



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