
New Economics Briefing: Organising for the end of furlough

Join NEF for our second series of Zoom briefings, featuring trade unionists on the frontline of fighting for jobs, pay and conditions.

Watch our online call with Valery Alzaga, Labour Organiser and Migrants’ Rights Activist; Becki Winson, Senior Organiser, NEF; Hazel Nolan, Scotland Organiser, GMB; Ian Manborde, Equality and Diversity Organiser, Equity; and Henry Chango Lopez, President, IWGB.

As the government’s furlough scheme comes to an end in autumn, hundreds of thousands of workers risk facing unimaginably hard times.

But this isn’t inevitable. The pandemic has exposed deep cracks in an economic system premised on precarity, unemployment and low pay. Unions and have recently won major concessions — now those on the frontline of fighting for jobs, pay and conditions are getting organised for the end of furlough.

What issues do workers across all industries face from the end of furlough? What lessons can we draw from victories won by the union movement during lockdown? Which struggles need our support right now, and what action can we take to show solidarity?

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