
The New Economics Zine

Issue 2: Is our economy making us sick?

Welcome to the second issue of the New Economics Zine, launched on World Mental Health Day. In this issue, we’re digging into what the economy has to do with our mental health. 

Mental health has never been discussed more widely, and yet mental health issues are on the rise. It will come as little surprise that the pandemic has made existing health inequalities worse — poor housing and employment conditions, unreliable wages and high levels of debt all have a detrimental impact on our health, including our mental health. And our experience of mental health is also heavily impacted by factors such as race, gender and disability. Only by looking at these big structural problems can start to see a way out of the mental health crisis.

With articles from Samara Linton, Kate Pickett and Richard Wilkinson, Ayeisha Thomas-Smith and more. We hope this issue brings insight and new perspectives to how the economy plays its part in the mental illness and wellness of us all.


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Image: Eva Bee

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