We were thrilled to see Labour backing a big drive to upgrade our homes this week – just what we’re calling for with our Great Homes Upgrade campaign. (See the report, rewatch our event, and join the campaign if you haven’t yet). Now we need the government to follow suit.

For me, a retrofitting programme that solves so many critical issues is truly a no-brainer. It will make homes warmer, lower energy bills for millions, reduce the UK’s carbon emissions, and create half a million green jobs up and down the country. Do take a look at our Great Homes Upgrade site and keep your eyes peeled for the official campaign launch next week.

Miatta Fahnbulleh, Chief Executive, NEF


Great homes upgrade
Our report sets out a plan to retrofit 19 million homes by 2030, ensuring they are safe and warm while slashing carbon emissions. By Chaitanya Kumar.

Beyond the £20 uplift
Keeping the £20 universal credit uplift would be a starting point, but we still need to go further. Sarah Arnold, Dominic Caddick and Alfie Stirling outline steps towards guaranteeing a Living Income for all.

A social guarantee
Our new report makes the case for universal services as part of a social guarantee that enshrines everyone’s right to life’s essentials. By Daniel Button and Anna Coote.

The Social Guarantee

Levelling up from the ground up
Helping neighbourhoods thrive means giving communities ownership of the buildings and spaces around them, writes Rose Grayston.

Reshape finance for a green recovery
More than 50 MPs and peers from across Britain’s main political parties have called on the Bank of England and Treasury to reshape finance, report Lukasz Krebel and Frank van Lerven.


We can upgrade 19 million homes by 2030 - The Great Homes Upgrade

The Great Homes Upgrade launches next week!
Britain’s housing is draughty, wastes energy, and relies on fossil fuels that pollute our atmosphere. We can upgrade Britain’s housing so that everyone can come home to a warm, comfortable home. Join the campaign now


Weekly Economics Podcast: Will living standards be frozen this winter?
Over the next week, policies to help people through the pandemic will end. People on furlough will find out if their jobs are still waiting for them, and those on universal credit will find their benefits cut by £20 a week. Back with a brand new series, Ayeisha Thomas-Smith is joined by Kate Bell, head of rights, international, social and economics at the TUC, and NEF senior economist Sarah Arnold.


Rewatch our Labour Party conference fringe events:

From Universal Credit to a Living Income
We discussed social security reform and going beyond the £20 uplift with Jonathan Reynolds MP, Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary; Pam Duncan-Glancy MSP, Scottish Labour Social Security Spokesperson: Sarah Arnold, NEF Senior Economist; Everton councillor Jane Corbett, and Excluded UK Co-Director Jennifer Griffiths.

Upgrading our homes for a Green New Deal
Retrofitting Britain’s homes so that they stay warmer will tackle the climate crisis and create thousands of good green jobs. Our event featured North of Tyne Metro Mayor Jamie Driscoll, Leeds City Council Executive Member Helen Hayden, NEF CEO Miatta Fahnbulleh, and Carbon Co-op co-founder Jonathan Atkinson.


Newspaper logos

End of furlough: More than 700,000 people may lose jobs, hours or earnings
NEF’s research on the impact of ending furlough was covered in the Times, while Miatta was interviewed on Channel 4 News.

Sir Keir Starmer vows to save Brits £400 a year on energy bills with £6billion home insulation splurge
Chaitanya Kumar was quoted in Sun coverage of Labour backing NEF’s plan to upgrade 19 million homes by 2030.

Universal Credit cut set to leave millions unable to afford household basics
NEF analysis showing that after the cut to universal credit, 21.4m people will live in households that can’t afford the basics was covered in the Daily Mirror. There was further coverage of NEF polling and research in the Express.

The Universal Credit Cut Is a Pro-Poverty Policy
Sarah Arnold wrote for Tribune about the universal credit cut.

The fuel crisis
Chaitanya Kumar was on talkRADIO to discuss how the government should support families through the fuel crisis.

Furlough crisis looms as 1million Brits​‘still on scheme’ when it ends next week
Alex Chapman was quoted in coverage of the end of furlough in the Daily Mirror.

New Economics Foundation

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