NEF Review of the Year 2011-12
13 December 2012
We are into our second quarter century at NEF, and are seeing a growing movement towards the Great Transition that we have been urging and predicting.
Every week brings more evidence that some senior politicians, business people and policy-makers are starting to see the problem and seeking us out for the answers. However, paradoxically, too many still see business as usual as the only answer.
This year there have been many important steps forward, including: the increasingly influential case our Finance and Business team is making for banking reform; the development of the prevention agenda by our Social Policy team; the ground-breaking policy work by our Well-Being team; the enormous interest across Europe in our work on fish stocks; and the growing impact of our campaigners in the Great Transition. This review includes just some of the highlights.
This has also been the year that the global push for a Great Transition has gathered momentum. We are delighted to have played a part in the emergence of our American partners at the New Economics Institute. The development of a sister organisation in North America opens up a whole range of new possibilities and exciting opportunities to build a global new economics that puts people and planet first.
None of the achievements that you will read about in this review will have been possible without the support, energy and enthusiasm of our supporters, who make every step forward possible and provide the brightest hope for change. My huge thanks to all of you.