Coronavirus response
NEF is working for everyone to get the support they need during the Covid-19 crisis – and to ensure we build back better after.

This is a time of anxiety and physical distancing, but also a time for solidarity and helping each other. NEF is fighting for everyone to be supported through the immediate crisis. In the longer term we are working with our allies and partners on a recovery plan that provides us all with access to things we really need to live a good life – such as quality housing, healthcare and social care – and that responds to the long-term crisis of climate change.
The immediate situation is serious and dangerous, but we can still build a better future. We have no other choice: Covid-19 will fundamentally reshape the economy. This means there is no going back. Nor should we go back: the policy mistakes of the past, above all austerity and privatisation, have left us more vulnerable to shocks like coronavirus. This time we must build back better.
At the New Economics Foundation we are now working remotely from our homes, and adjusting our research to respond to the constraints and demands of the Covid-19 crisis.