End the Debt Trap
Campaigning for a cap on interest rates and charges for all forms of consumer credit.

Our campaign in a nutshell
- Personal debt is skyrocketing, leading to extreme financial hardship, stress and mental health problems in some of the UK’s poorest households,
- Many are caught in a debt trap, borrowing more and more, often at the highest interest rates, just to keep up repayments.
- Urgent changes are needed so people don’t have to keep on borrowing, and many of the poorest households need their long standing debts written off.
- We want Government and regulators to act now, just as they did to curb payday lenders in 2015, by capping interest rates and charges on all forms of consumer credit.
Millions of people in the UK are suffering because household debt is now at record levels. We want Government and regulators to act now, just as they did to curb payday lenders in 2015, by capping interest rates and charges on all forms of consumer credit.