
In the news, September 2023

Media coverage of the New Economics Foundation

Whitest parts of England and Wales have 144% more local paths, study finds
NEF research
for the Ramblers was covered in the Guardian.

New community right to buy’ could transform empty homes to social housing, researchers say

NEF research on a community right to buy’ was covered by Inside Housing.

The political and economic consequences of Liz Truss
Jeevun Sandher was quoted in Left Foot Forward on the consequences of the Truss mini-budget.

People deemed unable to work face having benefits reduced under DWP plan’

Tom Pollard was quoted in the Guardian and the Financial Times on government plans to roll back social security for people for ill and disabled people.

Poor people surviving not living’ as UK social contract collapses, says report
Miatta Fahnbulleh was quoted in the Guardian on a new report from the Poverty Strategy Commission. 

The way to fix our energy pricing system? A national energy guarantee
NEF’s National Energy Guarantee was discussed in the New Statesman.

We know what is needed to reform housing, we need a government bold enough to commit to it
NEF research on the amount the government spends on housing benefit was featured in Inside Housing.

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