
In the news, October 2023

Media coverage of the New Economics Foundation

Universal credit claimants could be £670 worse off next year, says think tank
Our research showing the impact if cost of living payments end in April next year was covered by the Mirror.

The social security system should provide a safety net for us all
Sam Tims spoke to the Independent about inflation and social security. Tom Pollard spoke to the Big Issue.

Renters age faster’ than homeowners, according to science – but effects can be reversed
Our renters manifesto, alongside Generation Rent and others, was covered in the Guardian and the Big Issue.

Labour constituents among those most at risk if green policies eroded
Our research on the impact of retrofitting draughty homes was covered by Politics​.co​.uk.

Oour wages are about £1000 lower than they were over a decade ago

Jeevun Sandher spoke to BBC News.

There was a massive mismatch between the demand for housing and the supply of homes.”

Our CEO Miatta and community organiser Heather Kennedy spoke to BBC2 about the housing crisis for its programme: Britain’s Housing Crisis: What Went Wrong?

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