
In the news, November 2023

Media coverage of the New Economics Foundation

Jeremy Hunt is like the captain of the Titanic trying to order more lifeboats after he’s hit the iceberg
Jeevun Sandher wrote for LBC about why the chancellor’s budget won’t fix the crises Britain is facing.

The government’s spending plans include significant further cuts to public services
Hannah Peaker was on LBC News ahead of the Budget to explain what it would mean for public services.

Benefit recipients fear financial squeeze of the UK’s chancellor’s welfare reforms
Tom Pollard was quoted in the Financial Times, Open Democracy and the Huffington Post on changes to the social security system.

Threatening to cut people’s access to medication as a way to motivate them is perverse
Tom Pollard was on Talk TV responding to the government’s plans for harsher sanctions for people on social security.

London and the South East would gain 50 per cent more than North from income tax cut
NEF analysis of the regional distribution of a 1p income tax cut was covered in The i.

Levelling up projects unlikely to be delivered on time, says watchdog
David Pendlebury was quoted in the Independent and Daily Mirror on the government’s failure to deliver it’s levelling up plans.

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