
In the news, August 2024

Media coverage of the New Economics Foundation

Single mum with disabled children told to pay DWP back £17,000 in benefit overpayments
NEF analysis on debt and deductions from universal credit was featured in the Big Issue.

Renters and mortgage owners hit by higher inflation
Sam Tims was quoted in the Times on the higher rates of inflation experienced by renters and those with mortgages.

A decade of policy failures have meant home insultation rates plummeting 
Our analysis on rates of home insulation over the last decade was covered on Channel 4 news and in the Big Issue.

Millions facing cruel winter’ without fuel payments, Labour MPs warn
Sam Tims was quoted in the Guardian on the need for the government to support low income households.

UK borrowing hits four-year high – what does it mean for the economy?
Danny Sriskandarajah was quoted in the Times, the Guardian and the Daily Mirror on government borrowing.

London City Airport passenger cap to rise by 2.5 million despite climate concerns
Alex Chapman was quoted in BusinessGreen and New Civil Engineer in response to the government’s decision to approve an expansion of London City Airport.

London City airport: 54% of journeys take under six hours by train, data shows
NEF analysis of the journey’s taken from London City Airport was covered in the Guardian.

UK economy the fastest growing in the G7 in 2024, economists say
Lydia Prieg was quoted in the Independent on the UK’s GDP figures.

Over a decade of austerity has hit people’s mental health
Tom Pollard was on LBC News to talk about record numbers of people off work due to sickness and disability.

How did CEO pay get so high in UK and can we do anything about it?
Hannah Peaker was quoted in the Guardian on soaring FTSE 100 CEO pay.

Latest housing research: Right to Buy needs to be reformed
NEF’s research on the alternatives to the Right to Buy scheme was featured in Inside Housing.

Higher interest rates have punished investment
Lydia Prieg was on Novara Media to talk about the ways high interest rates make investment more difficult.

Ultra-cheap energy for every household’: could a different kind of tariff change everything?
Alex Chapman was quoted in the Guardian on rising block tariffs and a National Energy Guarantee.

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