
NEF in the news, February 2022

Media coverage of the New Economics Foundation

The right is using the crisis in Ukraine to push for more fossil fuel extraction
Chaitanya argued against fracking as a response to the energy bills crisis in Left Foot Forward.

UK should bring forward tax rises to fight inflation, IMF says
Alfie was in the Financial Times responding to news that the IMF is calling for tax rises to control inflation. 

The Cost of Living Class War
Chaitanya wrote a piece for Tribune on the unequal impacts of the energy bills crisis. 

Skill up to save the planet
Miatta was featured in the New Statesman Spotlight, talking about the need to train and retrain workers as the economy rapidly changes and transitions to net zero.

Why Don’t We Just… understand why it costs more to be poor?
Dominic wrote for the Big Issue North on the way inflation hits low-income families hardest. 

Cost of Living Crisis: Time for Protest
Our research showing the poorest families will be hit 7.5 times harder by the rise in energy bills than the richest was mentioned in a Tribune article

Runaway profits for fossil fuel companies 
Miatta was on BBC news responding to the huge profits announced by the likes of BP and Shell in light of rocketing energy bills for UK families. 

Heathrow vows to make 2019 the year of peak carbon’
Research by Alex Chapman showing that the carbon cost of emissions resulting from Heathrow’s proposed expansion from 2025 – 2050 has doubled was mentioned in a Business Green piece

Co-op boss checks out for four months to help sons with their exams
Alfie spoke about the cost of living crisis in the Daily Mail

Universal Credit: Millions missing out on benefit payments of £7,300 a year
NEF research on the case for making benefit payment automatic was covered in the Daily Express

Heed a warning from Manchester: the levelling up’ strategy doesn’t work
NEF research by Miatta and Emmet Kiberd on levelling up was mentioned in a piece by Christine Berry in the Guardian

The Agony and the Energy
Lydia Prieg was on the Bloomberg Westminster podcast talking about the upcoming national insurance hike and why it’s a bad idea. 

Unless Whitehall devolves its powers, levelling up’ is doomed to fail
Miatta wrote for the Guardian about the government’s new levelling up white paper. 

Climate change was taken out of the equation’
Alex Chapman reacted to news that the Bristol Airport expansion will be going ahead in the Bristol Cable

Public to foot ‘£700m bill’ for Southampton Airport’s carbon clean up
NEF research by Alex Chapman on the £742m cost of expansions at Southampton Airport for society and the tax-payer was covered in the Daily Echo

It ticks all the wrong boxes
Alfie commented on the government’s response to soaring energy bills on LBC

Cost of living protest to be held in Glasgow as Scottish low-income families face higher bills
NEF analysis showing the poorest 10 per cent of families will see a 7.5 times larger rise to energy bills than the richest 10 per cent of families was covered in the Scotsman.

How do we really level up the UK?
Our research showing that 60% of the country needs to be levelled up was covered by Sky News, the Newcastle Chronicle and BBC News.

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