Remembering our colleague and friend, Elizabeth Cox
We will all miss Liz’s no-nonsense approach to life, boundless energy and wicked sense of humour.
26 September 2022

Last week we said goodbye to our colleague and friend, Elizabeth Cox. Liz lost her battle against cancer earlier this month and her funeral last week brought colleagues together to remember her and share stories of the impact she had on many of us. This has been a huge loss for all of us who knew her and worked with her.
Liz was a constant at NEF and dedicated nearly 20 years to our cause. She was unwavering in her commitment to our mission to transform the economy so it works for people and planet. She was passionate about her work and tireless in her determination to deliver change that would have an impact.
We will miss Liz – her no-nonsense approach to life, her boundless energy and her wicked sense of humour. But I hope she will rest in peace knowing that she has left her mark in the world and a legacy at NEF that will live on for years to come.
For now, our thoughts and condolences are with her husband and family. If you would like to show your support for the Cox family then please make a donation to Marie Curie – this is at Liz’s request in lieu of flowers. Please also feel free to share your messages of support for the family, and we will pass them on. We are sure they will find strength in your kind words and in knowing how many people Liz impacted with her work.