
In the news, July 2024

Media coverage of the New Economics Foundation

How to (maybe) solve the UK’s quantitative tightening puzzle
Our tiered reserves policy was covered by the Financial Times and Sky News.

How activists have fought back against the escalating housing crisis
Our research
on the amount of housing benefit going to private landlords appeared in Huck Magazine.

Experts weigh in on key policies from the 2024 General Election Manifestos
Alex Chapman discussed manifesto pledges to bring down energy bills in Huck Magazine.

Labour’s private finance plans risk a repeat of Blair’s PFI disasters, experts warn
Alex Chapman spoke to i news about the risks of relying on private finance to improve the economy.

Rachel Reeves says new government has inherited worst set of circumstances since second world war’ – as it happened
Our response to Rachel Reeves’ speech was covered in the Guardian.

Industry cautiously positive on government’s National Wealth Fund for green investment
Alex Chapman spoke to New Civil Engineer about the national wealth fund.

Jobcentre revamp to focus on career advice rather than policing benefits
Tom Pollard spoke to the Financial Times about government plans to reform the benefits system.

Right to Buy sales in London lowest in years, according to latest statistics
Our work on right to buy was covered in InsideHousing. Alex Diner was quoted, talking about the reduction in right to buy sales.

We’ve been relying on private sector developers for the last 15 years and we’re deep into the largest housing crisis we’ve seen.“
Abi O’Connor spoke to the Big Issue, TalkTV and LBC News about the new government’s plans to tackle the housing crisis.

Keir Starmer aims to avoid backbench rebellion with child poverty taskforce
Tom Pollard spoke to the Guardian and Sam Tims appeared on TalkTV about government refusal to scrap the two-child benefit cap.

The country’s 2030 emissions reduction target is at risk’: The green economy reacts to the CCC’s climate progress report
Alex Chapman responded to the Climate Change Committee’s report in BusinessGreen.

The radical who left Oxfam to fight for democracy
NEF chief exec Danny Sriskandarajah was profiled by the Guardian.

The Guardian view on GB Energy: a good idea turns up just in time
Our national energy guarantee policy proposal was mentioned in the Guardian.

I hope the chancellor makes the right choices“
Danny Sriskandarajah appeared on LBC arguing for a public sector pay rise.

We don’t restrict the amount of education or healthcare children in larger families get — so why should we do it for social security?“
Sam Tims made the case for scrapping the two-child limit on BBC Radio 2.

DWP should prioritise supporting benefit claimants over sanctions, most people say
Our Jobcentre polling was covered in the Independent, Birmingham Live, Cambridgeshire Live, the Daily Record and the Big Issue

Tackling economic inactivity
Tom Pollard appeared on LBC responding to a new report on tackling economic inactivity and talking about our latest research on conditionality.

I’m expecting twins. We’ll save thousands in childcare if we move 10 miles away’
Our work with Pregnant Then Screwed was covered in i news.

The one thing the UK desperately needs is more investment
Lydia Prieg spoke to BBC News about Rachel Reeves’ plans for the UK economy.

Noone should have to choose between heating and eating
Hannah Peaker spoke to LBC about the winter fuel allowance.

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